Help finding the way UT & win a Klorofyll Planter by Anderssen & Voll

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At Elementa we are working with next years' plans for new products - which will include several new projects in our UT series.

By answering the following 3 questions you can enter into our mini lottery to win a beautiful Klorofyll Espalier with planters by Anderssen & Voll.

  • What's important to ask when we set out to rework our relationship with nature as designers?

  • Suggest 2-3 new ways we can open our interior and exterior architecture to nature?

  • Which designer or artist do you think would be a good fit to realize those ideas?

Reach out to us at - with “The path leads UT” in the subject field - within the 6th of December

Klorofyll by Andersen Voll - concrete setup at Prindseloftet_1200.jpg

The last couple of years we have been working with the first 8 UT manifestations, including projects such as:

The Klorofyll Planter System series by Anderssen & Voll: